Saturday, October 29, 2005 - Make Your Own Fun Stuff!

It's cheap and fun, plus you can make money from it if you're a webmaster/model/artist/etc.! Read all the terms, but there's not a minimum item number; you can make one hat or t-shirt or mousepad, or you can order by bulk. Nice.

Create, Buy & Sell Unique Gifts - T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, Mugs, Hoodies, Jerseys and 70 More Customizable Products

Friday, October 28, 2005

Mr. Sulu Comes Out of "The Closet" - Oct 28, 2005 - E! Online News

It's sad that some people feel forced in most societies to wait soooo long to be honest/open about their sexuality, but it's always admirable when they do "go public" and stop hiding.

Live long and prosper, Mr. Sulu!!! lol

Mr. Sulu Comes Out - Oct 28, 2005 - E! Online News

Jane Burgess: Glam Model & Naughty Vixen!!!

Please welcome Jane as the newest Club Nightfly model member! She's super-hot!

Model Info & Bio, etc.

Jane's Adult Site - Miers withdraws Supreme Court nomination - Oct 28, 2005 - Missing U.S. cat found in France - Oct 27, 2005

As a proud "owner" of 2 cats, I found this story endearing... :) Kitty had an adventure!!! - Missing U.S. cat found in France - Oct 27, 2005


Thursday, October 27, 2005 - Israel OKs campaign in wake of terror bomb - Oct 27, 2005

Cool RAM Utility - Speeds Up Your PC...And It's FREE

This tiny little utility is easy as anything to use and REALLY speeds up my computer by freeing up the RAM. The only thing I haven't figured out is why (for me) it doesn't start when I boot my PC - I have to turn it on. I'll have to go drop it into my startup items folder, I guess.

It's a brilliant little freeware program for Windows computers. Check it out!

System Downloads : MaxMem /// AnalogX

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Determination - Full Version!!!!

I got it!!! What an amazing animation!!!!

jDog sent me the full version - said he looked for hours for it! lol Thanks a million, James!!! You da man!!!

Wal-Mart Internal Memo Urges Hiring Younger Workers to Avoid Health Benefit Costs - Oct. 26, 2005

This is just wrong. The internal memo was leaked out and the VP there is suggesting that to increase profitability they should hire younger, healthier workers and weed out the older, more-inclined to have health benefit claims employees by, for example, making cashiers go out to the parking lot and bring back shooping carts - a physically demanding task.

I've shopped at Wal-Mart for certain things for a couple of years now, and this has me jaded as Hell; their prices are great, but if they're really THIS greedy and malevolent, then they can go screw themselves. I'll go back to Target (better store environment anyway and very good prices as well).

I may never spend another dime at Wal-Mart...

Wal-Mart memo proposes employee cost cuts - Oct. 26, 2005

AVN :: Articles - Religious Right Blasts ACLU About Oregon Rulings

I'm a card-carrying ACLU member, former paralegal to the general counsel of the ACLU in my state, former boardmember of my local ACLU chapter, and I can tell you now that the most abhorrent of all speech and expression (not that I find porn [except for gonzo and exploitative pseudo-erotica stuff] abhorrent at all) is the sort of speech, expression, and activity which requires the MOST protection.

Once we cease to protect unpopular speech from attacks by puritans and prudes, we'll then surrender our rights to OTHER topics of discussion and activity.

My 2 cents' worth...

American Civil Liberties Union

AVN :: Articles - Religious Right Blasts ACLU About Oregon Rulings

Soldier Writes Own Obituary...

Monday, October 24, 2005 - Vote Model of the Year 2006 - Special Editions

Sunday, October 23, 2005 - Sen. Schumer: Miers Lacks Votes to Be Confirmed - Oct 23, 2005

She should never have even been nominated. Another two thumbs up (the ass) for G. Dumbya Bush... - Sen. Schumer: Miers lacks votes to be confirmed - Oct 23, 2005

Labels: - U.S., Britain Press for Action Against Syria - Oct 23, 2005

It's time to replace Syria's government. Fucking terrorist-led/sponsoring nations HAVE to go... They're a HUGE problem in the Iraq situation, and now their heads of state are killing other heads of state (again). I'm not at all a "militant" type of person, but when my fur is rubbed the wrong way, I scratch (and bite! lol)!!! - U.S., Britain press for action against Syria - Oct 23, 2005

Labels: - Vitale Slaying Suspect Charged With Murder - Oct 21, 2005

What a loser. Hell yeah try him as an adult!!! It's too bad that in California going to "death row" is like a fucking 30-year free ticket in jail. Fuck it. Inmates should pay rent and utilities!!! - Vitale slaying suspect charged with murder - Oct 21, 2005
