Wednesday, October 26, 2005

AVN :: Articles - Religious Right Blasts ACLU About Oregon Rulings

I'm a card-carrying ACLU member, former paralegal to the general counsel of the ACLU in my state, former boardmember of my local ACLU chapter, and I can tell you now that the most abhorrent of all speech and expression (not that I find porn [except for gonzo and exploitative pseudo-erotica stuff] abhorrent at all) is the sort of speech, expression, and activity which requires the MOST protection.

Once we cease to protect unpopular speech from attacks by puritans and prudes, we'll then surrender our rights to OTHER topics of discussion and activity.

My 2 cents' worth...

American Civil Liberties Union

AVN :: Articles - Religious Right Blasts ACLU About Oregon Rulings


Blogger Quentin W. Buetow said...

I can agree only so far when it comes to what is described and billed as art.

Remember "Piss Christ"?

Fuck that ... I was HIGHLY offended by that piece of ... EXCREMENT ... that was funded by the National Endowment For The Arts and supported as well defended by the ACLU because it was "artistic" and "interpretative".

My ass.

I realize my above rant is off-topic, but where does one draw the line for ART and OBSCENITY?

Even the ACLU is capable of asinine and abhorrent mistakes and miscarriages; no one is perfect.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:38:00 PM  
Blogger Nightfly said...

I fully support the Piss Christ artist. It was lousy art, but it was his expression and it should never have been the topic of controversy. Tax dollars go to all sorts of things we all have differing opinions about, so I don't know why anyone feels entitled to shut one partiular thing down just because they're offended. I'm offended by welfare abusing crack-addled mothers who whip out their Women with Infants & Children welfare debit card at the grocery, "buying" wasteful "convenience" food, and when I see a WAD of $20 bills wrapped up in a rubber band in their purse, their rugrat kids wearing FUBU and Hilfiger clothes, and I'm spending my hard-earned money on my food -- AND hers.

I don't call for an end to public assistance, though. Two cents...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:04:00 PM  
Blogger Quentin W. Buetow said...


DOES ... NOT ... EQUAL ... ART

What about if I took a dump on something that holds great value to you and displayed it in an art gallery and called it "ART" ... would you be so bleedingly heart liberal and permissive then?

Read my mind ... you know what I'm wanting to ask you of this very moment, Nightfly.

I'm sorry you support him and his cause. I'm quite disappointed, actually, to find out you DID support this shit.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:17:00 PM  
Blogger Nightfly said...

Unpopular and controversial speech requires the MOST protection. Don't be disappointed. I'm simply a 1st Amendment absolutist.


Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:45:00 PM  

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