Sunday, October 23, 2005 - U.S., Britain Press for Action Against Syria - Oct 23, 2005

It's time to replace Syria's government. Fucking terrorist-led/sponsoring nations HAVE to go... They're a HUGE problem in the Iraq situation, and now their heads of state are killing other heads of state (again). I'm not at all a "militant" type of person, but when my fur is rubbed the wrong way, I scratch (and bite! lol)!!! - U.S., Britain press for action against Syria - Oct 23, 2005



Blogger Quentin W. Buetow said...

Again, WE - the United States Of America - are NOT the world's goddamned police force.

It is NOT up to us to have to solve every little random Third World country's internal conflicts.

The ONLY time we should EVER become involved in another country's governmental issues is when it DIRECTLY affects the United States' interests and national security.

Otherwise, stay the fuck out and let those those fuckers bomb themselves back to the Stone Age if they want to. It's frankly none of our goddamned business. Too many of our soldiers are being killed over useless and meaningless goddamned interferences.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:43:00 PM  

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