Friday, October 21, 2005 - Christian DVD Sparks Islamist Riot - Oct 21, 2005

In the name of all that is holy and good, for ONCE couldn't people stop killing each other?!?!?! - Christian DVD Sparks Islamist Riot - Oct 21, 2005


Tila Rocks Out!

Tila's a Playboy mega-babe, foul-mouthed (I don't say that lightly; I thought I was bad!) blogger, and aspiring musician...

Check out Tila Nguyen's show if you're in the Los Angeles area this coming week! You can also listen to her music on her profile page. - CEO disputes $241,000 Tab at Topless Club - Oct 21, 2005

BUSTED! Although the company suing him has said they believe 90% or so of the charges were fraudulent, the guy STILL blew $20K (on his corporate credit card, no less; how fucking dumb was that?!) at the club! That's a TON of lapdances - even from contract/feature dancers! lmao - CEO disputes $241K tab at topless club - Oct 21, 2005

Labels: - Elderly man drives with body in windshield - Oct 21, 2005

After age 50, I think people should be REQUIRED to have an annual medical exam establishing their fitness to drive (and I don't mean the person at the license agency who gives that ridiculous eye test). This kind of thing is absolutely tragic and needless. - Elderly man drives with body in windshield - Oct 21, 2005


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Feeling Ill? Stay Home!

Gee, there's a revolutionary idea... Too bad that in the U.S.A. (with most companies) you get like 5 sick days per year and you're FIRED if you take any more.

Big business SUCKS.

Bosses sick of ill workers; likely to send them home - Oct. 20, 2005

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Harriet Miers' Responses to Questionnaire "incomplete to insulting" - Oct 19, 2005

This is perhaps Bush's biggest fuck-up yet... As a justice on the Supreme Court, she could do SO MUCH damage and really mess up the law. :-O

Man. WHAT was Bush thinking?!?! Hopefully, with all the heat on her, she'll back away from the appointment. Even Republicans are pissed off about her nomination... - Senators demand more information from Miers - Oct 19, 2005


Mauled by Bears!

I thought this was cute. Bizarre, but cute... :-) - Hurricane Wilma a Category 5 Monster - Oct 19, 2005

Monday, October 17, 2005

Robyn Chance

I thought Robyn's site needed a "bump" here... She's beautiful, and the photography in most of her shoots is REALLY high-quality!!! Her site's design is great too, and the music in the background is cool! ;-)

Robyn Chance: PlanetRobyn - Greek Bird Flu Case Confirmed - Oct. 17, 2005

First Romania, and now Greece... It's spreading. - Greek Bird Flu Case Confirmed - Oct. 17, 2005


NICE! Adults-only, of course... Enjoy!

BUSTED: Reporter Caught Faking It!

ROFLMAO You just HAVE to love it when news crews do stupid shit like this!!!


AVN: Flynt to Start Restaurant Chain

I guess Hooters has some competition now!

AVN :: Articles - Flynt to Start Restaurant Chain