Sunday, February 04, 2007

New Gear & Settling In

Hello, everyone. I'm still gradually settling into my new apartment and job. It's been quite a change with my move and job switch, but it's exciting and demanding, fun and arduous -- all at once. It'll take time for me to reach my normal comfort level, so to speak, but things are moving along and so far no major problems have occurred and some very good things have happened. I'm very grateful.

I bought some wonderful new photographic equipment today and I'm thrilled with it so far. I've only shot about 40 photos with it since it's dark outside now and it was later in the day when I actually bought it, and I'm still going through the user info., but it's (current) pro level equipment and I'm excited to start shooting photos with it ASAP. My last camera has become so outdated! I cannot believe the difference even between the point-and-click cameras of today and what I was using. I'd like to think that my prior shots were still good quality, but now I'll hopefully be able to take full advantage of the advances that have been made.

In any event, things are going well for me and I'm sorry for not updating very often here, but since the 1st of the year everything has been in a state of flux to a degree. New apartment, new job, new state I'm living in, having a roommate, etc.

Cheers for now, and here's a very bad test snapshot in my new apartment with my new camera - my cat says "hello!" lol