Thursday, September 22, 2005

"Pirates" Sets Sail....Again

I saw a trailer for this film recently. It looks extraordinary!!!

"Pirates" Sets Sail...Again!

Awwww.... Thanks Crissy!!!

Awwww, geez... Crissy Moran made me a sign as a "get well soon" gesture. :-) How sweet! Talk to you soon, hon.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Medical Issues

I haven't been feeling very good for the last month. I wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed like with every day I felt a little bit worse. I'm one of those idiot types who avoids the doctor like one would avoid having bamboo shoots stuck under the fingernails.

In any event, yesterday I got the flu. It hit me HARD, right at midday at work. By the tail end of the afternoon yesterday I was shivering so badly, freezing. My skin was clammy, etc. It was awful. The thing is, I felt much more than flu symptoms, and the other symptoms I've been having for the last 1-2 months really got worse.

I decided to go to my doctor today, and he sent me straight-away to the hospital. I'm glad I went when I did. It turns out that several of my major organs were approaching failure from infection. :-O There's good news though... ALL of it can be made better with aggressive antibiotic treatment. I'm very relieved.

My flu is getting better. I think my fever broke this evening. I woke up from a nap drenched in sweat. I hate that! lol I'm feeling better already. I got a mega antibiotic shot today at the hospital and it seems to really be helping already.

So anyway, there's my little crisis of late. Moral of the story - get your butt to the doctor when you're sick. Don't be stubborn. Had I waited a week or so longer, the doctor said my kidneys could have shut down... :-O

Cheers! I hope everyone's doing well!