Monday, July 25, 2005

New Job!!!!

Wooohoo!!!! I got a telephone call last week, the day after my interview, and they extended a job offer to me!!! They said how very impressed with me they all were (the interview was with a panel) and how they really want me on board with their company. I'm thrilled. I begin that position two weeks from today. Cool.

No news on the internet access situation yet. Logistics has been the main issue in my current situation/employment/housing, so as of right now I have not established residential internet access. It should be a matter of a month, I am guessing. I can't wait. I have so much to do and to get caught up with. I am, in a way, dreading it since I have a backlog of Nightfly work to do. lol ;-)

Well, I hope this finds all readers well! Take care and CHEERS!!!