Friday, January 13, 2006

Cold and Rustic... 12 January, 2006

It was a lovely afternoon... I drive by this cornfield every day and I've always wanted to shoot it. The rustic barn is great (I have more pics but have not uploaded them yet) Yesterday I did shoot it, finally. I pulled into a tiny dirt path and trudged my way through the field, the ground nearly-frozen but the sun shining brightly...

It was a wonderful experience. It sounds ridiculous to read/hear, but it was sensual. My eyes are the windows of my existence.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Howard Stern is (back) on the air - Jan 9, 2006

Love or loathe him - Howard Stern's BACK and he's going to be bigger than ever!!! Free from F.C.C. restrictions on Sirius satellite "radio," Stern is sure to push all the right buttons. I enjoy his show sometimes, but the TV show gets sort of lame once in awhile. I mean, how many times can you see a C-movie stripper/actress eating pudding from a shoe and find it amusing? LOL! Conservative radio narcissists like Rush Limbaugh beware - you'd better get to satellite FAST, because it has been "what's next" for 5 years already, and NOW there's a heavy-hitter on the block! - Howard Stern is (back) on the air - Jan 9, 2006


Q, I can't reach you...

The phone company says your line is temporarily disconnected. I'm freaking the fuck out. Of all nights, when I wanted to call you, I can't reach you. Fuck.