Saturday, August 13, 2005

Gas Price Rage!!!!

Filling up my car’s gas tank has never been as arduous an affair as it has been this last week. Gas prices in the U.S.A. have skyrocketed recently (although there has been a general, slow increase in price over the past several years [thanks a pantload, Republicans and you folks who were “undecided,” for voting for G.W. Bush]), and the record-high prices seem to not be waning anytime soon. Where I live, gas is $2.55 per gallon. That’s absurd, in the world’s largest gasoline market. Gasoline, in the U.S.A., is relatively cheap compared to smaller countries/markets. We’re now facing prices akin to those smaller markets, and people are developing a new sociological phenomenon: gas rage. Gas rage? Yes.

I’ve seen people cursing aloud as they put gas into their vehicles. I’ve seen people vent and rudely comment to the gas store employees about the prices. Those employees have to pay the same price as we all do, but morons curse the gas station cashier as if there is some grand conspiracy by guys named “Vinnie” and girls named “Thelma” (the gas station employees of the world) to jack up prices just to piss off customers while they sneak the extra price trimmings back to their homes at night… LOL Seriously – I saw it happen once. Some guy filled up his Ford Expedition and his bill came to like $55. He was ahead of me when we went inside to pay (I normally pay at the pump with my card, but I had to pick up some stuff inside the mini mart lol). When the cashier rang him up, he went OFF on her! I made some comment about Prozac as he walked away and he gave me a “fuck you” glance and stormed off. Then the cashier and I spoke about gas rage. She said she was looking for another part-time job because people have been so abusive lately with the gas price hikes. Poor girl. I made some sort of a joke and got her to smile, but nothing seems to be able to stop gas rage. It sucks.

I simply don’t understand why people bitch and moan about how much gas costs when they’re tooling around all day in the SUVs and Hummers and fucking mega-sized, 4-door, American-built pieces of union-built inefficiency. That’s like people who don’t vote bitching about politicians/government. Actually, it’s worse – these people CHOSE to drive around in their huge, fuel-inefficient cars! They’re moaning about a self-inflicted condition! I’ve no sympathy for them.

Well, gas rage continues… Let’s hope for a quick end to summer (I hate summer anyway…it’s too damned hot! lol); gas prices stabilize and usually drop significantly by autumn. Besides, the world is a lot prettier in autumn anyway.

I cannot wait for the leaves to change colors and start falling. Maybe the gas prices will follow suit!

New Position/Job -- Week One Complete!

The first week went very well and very quickly. I’ve met TONS of people, and so far everyone is very excited to have me there and very pleasant and agreeable! The first day was a whirlwind of names and faces and going over policies and filling out administrative paperwork. Since then, it’s been nothing but constant familiarization with the company’s proprietary computer systems and more procedural stuff. I have a LOT to learn! Every company seems to like to do things its own quirky ways, so I’ll be settling into my role as I learn all these new programs, etc.

It’s been quite some time since I worked in a city’s “downtown.” Parking is a nightmare for many people. Luckily, my nightmare ended after one day! lol On a tip from someone, I found FREE parking downtown. It’s a mere 10-minute walk from my office, and it’ll save me as much as $200 per month in parking expense. Very cool!

It’s going very well. I have also learned that my position offers significant benefits that were never even “pitched” to me during the recruiting process. That’s VERY nice. My income potential increases then by nearly 25% just with these incentives/commissions/benefits. My base pay is attractive as it is – the additional incentive pay is a bit of crème on top of it all! Sweet!!!

What a change of events… My angels (if you believe in that sort of thing…I certainly do, given the stuff I’ve undergone and come through!) and friends have helped me all along the way. Thanks to all of you!!!!


Hello, FreeOnes Friends!!!

I’d like to say “hello” to all my FreeOnes friends -- members and staff alike. I miss interacting with all of you as I used to. Worry not, though… I’ll be back with unfettered internet access soon! LOL Is that a GOOD thing or a BAD thing? ;-)

Anyway, I just wanted to give a proverbial “shout-out to my peeps” at FreeOnes. Aside from the FreeOnes people who e-mail me regularly, I want everyone else there to know that I’m thinking of them as well! And damn, I miss Tunsty’s wise-ass jokes! hehehe ;-)

See ya soon!