Saturday, September 16, 2006

My Dearest...

My Dearest - Friends

Some of you are ill at the moment, sure to recover.
Some of you are sad, and you'll shortly (in the grand scheme of things) suffer.
Some of you struggle to live.
Some of you live to struggle.

It's of no import to me.

A friend is a friend. I stand by you.

I love my friends. They're my family. I feel as if I have virtually none anymore.

My friends, my heart is yours, my ear yours, my hands yours to aid you, my legs yours to supply you with that which you need.

Do not suffer. Do not worry. Do not be discouraged. As long as there is breath in my lungs and blood coursing through me, a true friend shall always have my aid, my heart, my love, my loyalty, and my passionate affection & trust.

Throughout life we all encounter obstacles, little or monumental, and we must sometimes rely upon others who care to get past those obstacles. I am PROUD and HONORED to help a TRUE friend through his or her challenges in life.

It's a pleasure and a privilege to help my friends, and I DO NOT take those things lightly.

My friends, do not be dismayed or beleagured; with love and friendship, there is nothing we cannot overcome. Nothing.

To my friends who are ill, get well, and get well soon, and keep your chins high and your spirits higher. To my friends battling the day-to-day survival situation, don't worry too much, but apply yourself 100% and show what you're made of. To my friends who are "living to struggle," you need a swift kick in the ass and a reality check - sorry, but it has to be said. There are millions of hungry people in the world who can't do SHIT about it, but the people I know aren't living 8,000 feet above sea level in Tanzania or wherever and starving. GET A JOB. Nothing is beneath you when your belly's empty and you're cold and dirty. I'll support you as long as you support yourself.

My friends are my family. Due to certain circumstances, I've become estranged from my pseudo-Patrician family. They/we have always claimed to be "down-to-earth" sorts of people, but as I've grown up, I see them all mutating into very ugly, unpleasant, judgmental people - that's not for me.

A person can enjoy and savor and know a fine wine, to be sure, but he or she can also enjoy a glass of grape juice. My family can no longer make that discernment, and in their eyes, I'm a raisin.

My FRIENDS, however, see the difference, and they somehow see me for WHO I am, not for some ridiculously-expected doctorate degree recipient, a million-dollar per-year job, and a guy with wife, a dog, and 2.3 kids (although that would be nice one day).

I just want to be me, and I just want my friends to be themselves, and in order to do that, we have to love and trust one another. Sometimes we get burned, lied to, and abused but, in the end, you can never love unless you can trust and be honest with both yourself and another...

That's both the beginning and the end, as I see it, both in friendships and in romance.


- Nightfly


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here you go free comments for you Fly sorry about the guy lying to you about all that stuff.

Saturday, September 16, 2006 4:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Fly,

That is nicely written. I appreciate your comments on judgement and honesty.

I'm not sure if I would want to see a .3 kid though, I would be worried about where the other 7/10ths went to...


Monday, September 18, 2006 6:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written, as always, brother 'Fly.

Sometimes what you perceive as lies from one source, though, are actually coming from another source's twisted agenda. Trust in the one with whom you have the bond.

My life - my HEART - is now full of hurt, grief, tears, uncertainty, deep suicidal depression, and unending loneliness.

What I thought was my world has now been reduced to shambles. The life I had before - the life supoosedly full of love, respect, and beauty - has now (for the past month) been reduced to nothing but a lie; a deception of the worst magnitude. What I thought was a soul-mate has now turned into my betrayer; my Judas.

Truth. Truth is knowing that I did whatever needed to be done to help her, protect her, and love her ... she was my everything.

Remember when YOU told me I shouldn't trust her??? Remember how infuriated and angry I was at you??? Seems now I should've listened to your wise counsel, my brother.

My life is ruined. My heart can't take anymore pain.


Not even my friends ... for SHE even turned them against me. You want proof??? Read those e-mails again and you'll have your proof.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:22:00 AM  

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