Sunday, October 09, 2005

In Memoriam

It's almost the end of the calendar day here, and I cannot let the day pass without writing a serious note.

Five years ago, my mother died after a 6-month battle (chemotherapy and radiation treatments) with cancer. It was completely unexpected, since she had quit smoking 25 years prior (smoking had nothing to do with her cancer, the oncologist said). It devastated all of us in my family.

I miss my mother terribly. She was the anchor in our family, and things have never quite been the same without her. I am/was my mother's "baby boy," the youngest of three boys, and she and I bonded very closely. Losing her 5 years ago was and has been a very traumatic thing for me, but as time goes by and as I continue to grow as a person and experience life, I gain a greater understanding of what happened, perhaps WHY she was taken early from life at her age (she was 64), and how better to live my own life.

In any event, today was the 5-year anniversary of her death. Exactly 5 years ago RIGHT NOW I arrived at my parents' house, having gotten a telephone call that Mom had passed away, and those first moments, knowing she was really gone forever, are permanently etched into my memory.

I love you Mom, and I miss you. You are and were my hero for all of your virtues, for your compassion and kindness, for being such a wonderful parent to me as I grew up, and for being my friend and counselor as I became an adult. I'll forever miss and admire you, love you, respect you, and I'll try my best to pass along the things that you taught me to both my friends and, eventually, my own children.

God bless you, Mom. You're my angel.


Blogger Quentin W. Buetow said...

Words fail me.

I know your pain, bro. I know how it is to wake up one morning and realize that the beautiful soul who gave birth to you and nurtured you is no longer there to see, to talk to, or to hold as only a son can hold his mother.

I can't even begin to describe what it is I feel at this very moment as I watch these words move across the screen.

I feel:


I feel so much and I am so overwhelemed by these feelings.

All I can say is:

Thank you for posting this tribute to your Mother. I'm sure she's somewhere up there, looking down on her 'baby boy', smiling and laughing with tears of joy streaming down her angelic face.

Amazingly enough, I feel my mother's presence - her essence, really - with me now.

Brothers always, 'Fly... come what may... brothers always.

I love ya, man.

May God bless you and keep you and may He make His eternal face shine upon you and bring you comfort in the darkest of times.

You are a survivor. You conquered so much in so short a time. You are truly, truly blessed.

Bravo, 'Fly... bravo.

Monday, October 10, 2005 1:24:00 AM  
Blogger Nightfly said...

Thank you, Q. Your reply was touching as well. Thanks for the support and friendship. Losing a parent is a dreadfully painful thing most of us will all have to endure in our lives (of course, not unless we go first) and it's taken me 5 years to really start accepting that Mom is gone. I know both of your parents are no longer with us here, but they're both watching their little boy be the great man he is today - and they're smiling and proud.

Love ya, man. Thanks again for the kind words.

Monday, October 10, 2005 5:09:00 PM  

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